Αποστολέας Θέμα: the MARS VOLTA  (Αναγνώστηκε 5747 φορές)


  • ...the end of earth
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« στις: Αυγούστου 22, 2009, 20:17:32 »
ενα group που εχει αναμειξει: progressive,funk,psychedelia,free improvisations,krautrock,και πολυ αποκρυφισμο.






through these fires.....


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« Απάντηση #1 στις: Αυγούστου 23, 2009, 15:01:43 »

αδερφε αν μπορεσεις καποια στιγμη να δωσεις και στιχους θα ημουν ευγνωμων...
Το μόνο πράγμα που φοβάμαι, είναι να μην γίνω μια αρμάδα που ξεκίνησε να σκίσει τον ωκεανό και τελικά βουλιάξει σε μια σπιτίσια σκάφη...


  • ...the end of earth
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« Απάντηση #2 στις: Αυγούστου 23, 2009, 17:52:52 »
μετα χαρας φιλε μου (οταν υπαρχει...καψιμο..!!)

Tell me it's over, Rusbel awaits I've been to the surface
And nothing is there, Eyelids sank muffled
In the nerve aura sound, But when she awakes
Will she still be with us?

My heart is darkclots, Leap year is late
How did you get here, Ask all but the bail
From a Christ that went hissing
Constricting his cells
We summon by candle by book and by bell

Glossolalia coats my skin
Glycerin and turbulence
stuffed the voice inside God
Mirrors to the animals

The sermon goes mourning, Pricking it's hail
Slothful the child, That preys on the seed
Shall behead the drought, Wound under sleeves
I hope you have room, In a thicket of vines

Give me a moment, To clean what you've stole
The streets will hang high, Stretch ribs and let taste
We'll cover the smell with silver nitrate
Mending the cuts of your prosthetic faith

Glossolalia coats my skin
Glycerin and turbulence
Stuffed the voice inside God
Mirrors to the animals

Then so long, Dear minemonic
Assume the form, You've given me and I'll spill

Now hold on, Just hold my hand
Say that they made you
But you brought your own leash
Tell me no more no, say I'm the last one
Outside, By the drift, You read my will
Of thread and itch, Failure to comply
As failure to decease
And still you won't know everything
I've built the fall

Sulking drained the fall of my pale will
Swarming by your steps
Licking the ankles of blasphemer guilts
It only meant to drape a plastic
Over the stuck pig scalp of head
To cover the sock where to flatline had spread
The kiosk in my temporal lobe
Is shaped like Rasalyn Carter
She says my map is home again, But torn face down
I have only but a million blemishes
To tell you all about

In the end they just gagged me
To make him come out

Gas me the hind, Of your five legged snare
Tooth picks the eye, But no things there
Down drags your waltz, Cross the alter top
From a sleep that, Depravation knew
Trespass your form, I'm void of dusk
I'd ask to look, But the mask stays on

You'll levitate, Teutonic print
Cruelty is the wrath, Of my instrument

In the end they just gagged me
To make him come out

You locked the cuffs
Arsenic erupts

Will you drink the shadow
Of my red hair

You and your falst, Witness to God
You've one in the chamber,
But your finger got stuck

Let slip the sound, Of a cry for help
But all was lost, On the night you walked

Palms speak through eyes
Serve your memory lost
I cantaminate with insignias

In the end they just gagged me
To make him come out

Glassolalia coats my skin
Glycerin and turbulence
Stuffed the voice inside of God
Mirrors to the animals

Wait till I get my hands on you
I won't forget a face that left me
Just you wait
Till I get my hands on you
I can't, You won't remember

Unwrap my corpse, And let it thaw
In the eye of the needle, I can't get out

They'll check my wrist, I'll faint a pulse
I'm not the human, You thought I was

If you pet the night, Sixth pentacle dice
If you roll the seven, St. Michael dies

They'll be no ransom, Don't shut my mouth
I scaled the answer, You're afraid of

through these fires.....


  • ...the end of earth
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« Απάντηση #3 στις: Αυγούστου 23, 2009, 17:53:54 »
"Day Of The Baphomets"
sawing off the pavement
repenting their past lives
might i be the only payment left
to be left behind
clay and pigment footsteps
rust it boiling clean
our bull let in linguistics
that only we can breathe

i gotta prayer that'll make you theirs now
beneath sepulchers
raise your entrails as an offer

fondling with pitchforks
in a cattle prodded sea
signaling the sedatives
to emaciate their queen
bowing in constriction
anytime you leave
we snuffed ourselves an angel
and cut her by the wings

i gotta prayer that'll make you theirs now
beneath sepulchers
raise your entrails as an offer

in my sight i was born
to bring death at the footsteps of your home
i have sewn
all the hair and crooked nails
that you all have worn
while your wife
sits at home
i plant the vermin
because she needs it so

how long must we fold by hand
the nuns are burning wheels again
dent of mattress to make it bare
come clean with the anecdote
after all we came undone
pale of sluts with host at fault
one day we won't pay your debt
our centipedes will get theirs yet

poachers in your home
poachers in your home

how long must we fold by hand
the nuns are burning wheels again
dent of mattress to make it bare
come clean with the anecdote
after all we came undone
pale of sluts with host at fault
one day we won't pay your debt
our centipedes will get theirs yet

fold the river by the lips
as a cruel and smothered wind
fits the gash with ornaments
dawn is nodding off again
raised the braille to read it clear
gathered by the cholera
rinse the burns in cauldrons
help the palm we see a lens
my hands secrete a monument
my hands secrete a monument

i am the reason
four your missing child
they might be home
but there's no trace
under your pillow
i have left a spine
oh the things we do
when you're away
i saw the message
that you wrote in the sand
dismembered hints that carve away
the anesthetic of your gospel said
put a muzzle on the lamb

give me one page
give me one page
make it blank
mace that i leak
will rain
give me one page
give me one page
make it blank
race i inflict
your way

maybe one day you'll stop and realize
the throne that you serve is dead

give me a plague
give me a plague
make it blank
nothing you own is safe

(live@ Hamburg// η ποιοτητα οχι ιδιαιτερα καλη,αλλα ενδεικτικη του κλιματος..αν ψαξετε υπαρχει και σε αλλες εκδοχες)

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Αυγούστου 23, 2009, 18:00:48 από etidorhpa »
through these fires.....


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« Απάντηση #4 στις: Αυγούστου 24, 2009, 01:54:21 »
Το μόνο πράγμα που φοβάμαι, είναι να μην γίνω μια αρμάδα που ξεκίνησε να σκίσει τον ωκεανό και τελικά βουλιάξει σε μια σπιτίσια σκάφη...


  • ...the end of earth
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« Απάντηση #5 στις: Αυγούστου 24, 2009, 02:26:02 »
παρακαλω... ::)

through these fires.....


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« Απάντηση #6 στις: Αυγούστου 24, 2009, 03:14:25 »
με αυτούς δεν χρειάζεται να πιεις τίποτα...
κάνεις κεφάλι αμέσως...  :D

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